General Specifications
Sprinkler Irrigation has similar specifications with rain. Water is distributed to pipe system by pomp and it drops on land within small droplets as spraying to air through a sprinkler.
GAP Irrigation Systems (both sprinkle irrigation pipe and its articulation fittings) are manufactured accordance with TS 418 standards whose resistance is enchanced against solar rays (UV) with special additive materials from high-density special pipers polyethylene at 5 and 6 meters height.
Advantages Of System
Rough agricultural areas can be irrigated withoout the necessity of smoothing.
Efficient and economic irrigation is possible on sandy fields with high water uptake rate and low water-holding capacity without causing any water lost due to irrigation ditch.
- • At the place of high ground water, waterins is made without raising ground water level.
- • Irrigation system decreases workmanship cost while increasing the planting are of the field.
- • Since manure can be given to plant by irrigation, savings are made within the scope of workmanship.
- • Since water is given in a controlled way and requested amount, water loss is minimized.
- • Salt and dust particles on plant leaves can be cleaned easily without any damage of plant.
Important Points
Main pipe lines must be at vertical position to lateral pipes.
- Lateral pipe lines must be equipped as possible bowless or down -slope.
- Laterals must be laid vertical to direction of wind at places where the wind blows fierce.
- Short laterals reduce labor and provide equal distribution of water. Cleaning of pipes and parts seal slots should be controlled first and then gaskets should be fitted and then fixed.
- To prevent ingress of foreign matter into the system, a filter should be plugged onto the end of pump suction pipe.
- System should be run at small flow rate first and then later and interval pipes should be filled with water first, then blind flange should be opened for a while to provide cleaning of the pipe line.